
Singapore is a beautiful place, but the anti-diesel mindset embraced by many people there is pointless. They are more expensive to purchase, but still worth more than a hybrid. People who claim about the environmental benefit of hybrids but dispose their cars when they're 10 year-old should remember that a hybrid has a higher manufacturing footprint.


Brian said...

I can't understand that matter too, hybrids are the 21th-century fool's gold. A friend of mine who is half Filipino once spent some time with relatives in Manila and told me that he took a ride in a Chevy C20 from the 80's fitted with an Isuzu 4BA1 and in spite of the low tech it was still as fuel-efficient as a Silverado hybrid.

Ryan Wang said...

A cousin of my wife was looking to buy a Prius after all that environmental hype, but after I shown him a Volkswagen Golf of a friend who supports biodiesel and WVO he was convinced that hybrids are not really for him.