
I live in Jakarta and recently bought an Opel Blazer with a blown Quad-4 engine and have a Kubota V2203-T sitting in my garage. Any objection for drop it into the Blazer? I could easily get an Isuzu 4JA1-L but I got the Kubota for dirt cheap.

Nothing against the Kubota V2203-T, but you must not expect the Blazer to become a power beast with it. I know the Quad-4 is a little beast and its resemblance to an Offie is turning it into a wish for some hot-rodders, but if your intentions are to get a die-hard and fuel-saver vehicle the Kubota is a reasonable choice.

Feel free to question


cRiPpLe_rOoStEr a.k.a. Kamikaze said...

Quad-4 was never available in my country, but there were 2nd-gen Blazers factory-fitted with diesel engines larger than the Kubota.

Kyle said...

There was a Kubota 2203 in a 2-door Cherokee I used to have. The engine is still laying on my backyard storage shed waiting to go to another trail rig, and even my father-in-law was taking some looks at it intending to do a diesel swap into his X-Trail. I have also always used biodiesel from cattle lard and waste veg oil in my Kubota and it was great. Now actually looking for a Wrangler with a blown 4cyl engine to repower but maybe starting to consider a 2-door Blazer too...

Lee Kim Jung said...

Mazda 2.2L engine seems to be more appropriated, because it's already intended to automotive usage.

Wellington said...

I did a Kubota diesel swap in an ext-cab S10 and no regrets about it, a great engine even being so small in comparison to the 4.3L V6 it replaces.